gui.dialogs package

This package contains the logic behind the graphical user interfaces.


gui.dialogs.about_dialog module

class AboutDialog(parent=None)[source]

Bases: PyQt5.QtWidgets.QMessageBox

This class represents the dialog that opens when the user clicks on File->About when using the graphical interface.

About dialog

gui.dialogs.create_dataset_dialog module

This module contains the implementation of the logic used by the graphical interface for dataset creation.

class CreateDatasetGUI[source]

Bases: PyQt5.QtWidgets.QMainWindow,

Dataset creation GUI.

Initializes the GUI and connects its widgets to the corresponding functions.

class VideoLoaderThread(video_path: str, from_index: int, to_index: int, parent=None)[source]

Bases: PyQt5.QtCore.QThread

Class representing a thread which is responsible for loading a video from file. Internally it loads the video by using an instance of VideoLoader.

Initializes the video loader thread with the video path and the loading indices.

  • video_path – Absolute path of the video to load.
  • from_index – Start index of the video-frame to be loaded (inclusive).
  • to_index – End index of the video-frame to be loaded (exclusive).
  • parent – Parent class of the thread.

Signal emitted when the video loader has terminated the loading of the video frame. This signal contains a python list of the loaded frames.


Function executed automatically when the thread is started. When the video is loaded a pyqtSignal containing all loaded frames is emitted

Dataset creation dialog

gui.dialogs.image_saving_dialog module

class SaveImageDialog(working_modules: dict, broken_modules: dict, misdetected_modules: dict, parent=None)[source]

Bases: PyQt5.QtWidgets.QDialog,

This class implements a dialog which allows to save all data collected by the CreateDatasetGUI class to disk.

Initializes the dialog with the files to save to disk.

  • working_modules – Dictionary of working modules.
  • broken_modules – Dictionary of broken modules.
  • misdetected_modules – Dictionary of misdetected modules.
  • parent – Parent window of this dialog.
Image saving dialog

gui.dialogs.thermo_gui_dialog module

This module contains the implementation of the logic used by the graphical interface of thermography.

class ThermoGUI[source]

Bases: PyQt5.QtWidgets.QMainWindow,

Main GUI window.

Initializes the GUI and connects its widgets to the corresponding functions.

ThermoGUI dialog

gui.dialogs.webcam_dialog module

class WebcamDialog(parent=None)[source]

Bases: PyQt5.QtWidgets.QMainWindow,

Class representing the webcam dialog for webcam detection.

Initializes the current dialog and shows its view to the user.


Signal emitted by the current dialog when the webcam port has been detected.