thermography.classification package

This package contains the implementation of the module classification routines implemented for the thermography package.


thermography.classification.inference module

class Inference(checkpoint_dir: str, model_class: type, image_shape: numpy.ndarray, num_classes: int)[source]

Bases: object

Class implementing the inference procedure to classify new images according to a preexisting moduel.

classification_model = ThermoNet3x3
inference = Inference(checkpoint_dir, classification_model, img_shape, num_classes)
img_list = [img_1, img_2, ...] # len(img_list) = N
class_probabilities = inference.classify(img_list) # class_probabilities.shape = [N, num_classes]

Initializes the inference object by loading the weights of an already trained model.

  • checkpoint_dir – Directory of the checkpoint where the weights of the model are stored.
  • model_class – Class associated to the stored weights. This class is used to build the tf.graph which will be used for the inference.
  • image_shape – Shape of the images fed to the classifier. The images passed to the self.classify function are resized according to this parameter.
  • num_classes – Number of classes predicted by the model.


The parameters must all be consistent with the preexisting weights!

classify(image_list: list) → numpy.ndarray[source]

Classifies the image list passed as argument using the model loaded in self.model.

Parameters:image_list – Python list of numpy arrays representing the images to be classified. All images are classified as a mini-batch.
Returns:A numpy array of shape [len(image_list), self.num_classes] containing the class probability for each image passed as argument.


If the images contained in the input parameter are not of the same shape as the one store in self.image_shape, the input images are resized to fit the desired image shape.


Returns the model being used for classification.