thermography.classification.models package

The models (computation graphs) which can be used to train a classifier are coded here.


thermography.classification.models.base_net module

class BaseNet(x: tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor, image_shape: numpy.ndarray, num_classes: int, name: str = 'ThermoNet')[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Base interface for nets used by the thermography package. This class offers a convenience interface to train a classifier and to access its data.


Returns the number of channels accepted by the model.

create() → None[source]

Method which each subclass must implement which creates the computational graph.


This method must use the input placeholder self.x and terminate into the logits tensor self.logits.


Returns the shape of the image which the model takes as input to the computational graph.

img_batch.shape = [batch_shape, w, h, c]
flat = model.flat_shape # [w, h]

Returns the image shape accepted by the model. This shape corresponds to the shape of each element carried by the input placeholder self.x.


Returns a tf.Tensor representing the logits of the classified input images.


Returns the name associated to the model.


Returns the number of classes which the model will consider for classification.

static update_shape(current_shape: numpy.ndarray, scale: int) → numpy.ndarray[source]

Updates the current shape of the data in the computational graph when a pooling operation is applied to it.

current_shape = self.flat_shape # [w, h]
conv = conv_relu(x=self.x, kernel_shape, bias_shape)
pool = max_pool_2x2(name="max_pool", x=conv)
current_shape = self.update_shape(current_shape, 2) # [w/2, h/2]

Returns a reference to the input placeholder.

thermography.classification.models.thermo_net module

class ThermoNet(x: tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor, image_shape: numpy.ndarray, num_classes: int, keep_prob: float, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: thermography.classification.models.base_net.BaseNet


thermography.classification.models.thermo_net_3x3 module

class ThermoNet3x3(x: tensorflow.python.framework.ops.Tensor, image_shape: numpy.ndarray, num_classes: int, keep_prob: float, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: thermography.classification.models.base_net.BaseNet

Class representing the computational graph structure used for classification of solar panel modules.

Initializes the computational graph according to the structure defined in self.create.

  • x – Tensorflow placeholder which will be fed with a batch of images.
  • image_shape – Shape of each input image fed to self.x.
  • num_classes – Number of classes which the model can predict.
  • keep_prob – Tensorflow placeholder representing the keep probability for the dropout layers.

Creates the ThermoNet3x3 computation graph consisting of three convolutional layers followed by three fully connected layers.

Thermonet3x3 Structure

ThermoNet3x3 structure